Social Disorganization Theory and Crime in the Advanced Countries, (with Zeresh Eroll and Jakob. B. Madsen), Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, 191, (2021), 519-537.
Assaults During Lockdown in NSW and Victoria, (with Jaai. Parasnis, Max. Tani and Josephina Vejayaratnam), Australia Journal of Labour Economics, 24 (2), (2021), 199-212.
What Has Driven the Great Fertility Decline in Developing Countries since 1960?, (with Jakob B. Madsen, and Cong Wang), The Journal of Development Studies, 23 (2018), 1-20. (Online Appendix)
Marriage and Economic Development in the Twentieth Century, (with Alessio Moro and Satoshi Tanaka), Journal of Demographic Economics, 83 (4) (2017), 379-420. Marriage dataset for the 16 OECD countries in the 20th century.
Does Home Production Drive Structural Transformation?, (with Alessio Moro and Satoshi Tanaka), American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 9(3) (2017), 116–146.
Public-Private Mix of Health Expenditure: A Political Economy Approach and a Quantitative Exercise, (with Shuyun May Li and Siew ling Yew), Canadian Journal of Economics 49(2), (2016), 834-866.
The Role of Dietary Choices and Medical Expenditures on Health Outcomes when Health Shocks are Endogenous, (with Pedro Gomis-Porqueras and Richard M. H. Suen), Economic Modelling, 54 (2016), 13-25.
Economic Freedom and Productivity Growth in Resource-rich Economies, (with Minoo Farhadi and Md Rabiul Islam), World Development, 72 (2015), 109–126.
The composition of government expenditure with alternative choice mechanisms, (with John Creedy, New Zealand Economic Papers, 48 (2014), 53-71.
The Composition of Government Expenditure: Economic Conditions and Preferences, (with John Creedy and Shuyun May Li), Economic Inquiry, 49 (2011), 94-107.
A Loglinear Tax and Transfer Function: Majority Voting and Optimal Rates, (with John Creedy), Australian Journal of Labour Economic, 14 (2011), 1-14.
Modelling the Composition of Government Expenditure. Cheltenham: (with John Creedy) Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2011.
Inequality Aversion and the Optimal Composition of Government Expenditure, (with John Creedy and Shuyun May Li), Macroeconomic Dynamics, 14 (2010), 290-306.
The Role of Home Production in Voting over Taxes and Expenditure, (with John Creedy), Australian Journal of Labour Economic, 13 (2010), 81-97.
The Optimal Division of Government Expenditure between Public Goods and Transfer Payments, (with john Creedy), Australian Economic Papers, 49 (2010) 87-100.
Macro-Fiscal Implications of Health Care Reform in Advanced and Emerging Economies—Case Studies” Prepared by the Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF Policy Paper (Washington, December 2010).
Modelling the composition of government expenditure in democracies, (with John Creedy), European Journal of Political Economy, 25 (2009), 42–55.
Working Papers:
"Changes in the Composition of Tax Revenues: Implications for Monetary and Fiscal Policies", joint with Pedro. Gomis-Porqueras and Xuan Zhou (Link)
"Optimal parental leave subsidization with endogenous fertility and growth", Siew ling Yew and Shuyun May Li (Link)
"Public-Private Mix of Health Expenditure: An OLG Political Economy Model and A Quantitative Analysis.", with Shuyun May Li and Siew ling Yew (Link)
Work in Progress:
"Impact of maternity leave policies on abortion", with Ola Ayoade Alabi and Guyonne Kalb
"Composition of government expenditure: Implications for Monetary and Fiscal Policies", joint with Pedro. Gomis-Porqueras and Xuan Zhou
“Fiscal Devaluation: the Role of Government Expenditures”, with Qingyuan Du, Pedro Gomis-Porqueras, Chung Tran
“Voting over Composition of Government Expenditure in an Overlapping Generations General Equilibrium Model”